CED115 - English I
Course length
100 minutes / week
Siti Mina Tamah
About the course
Prerequisite courses
Course description and learning objectives
Student completing this course will be able to:
• Assosiate basic grammatical in text
• Read scientific text
• Paraphrase sentences.
Topics include
1. Nouns and nouns phrases in English text
2. Modifiers in English texts: pre-modifiers, post-modifiers
3. Prepositional in English texts
4. Finite verbs in English texts
5. Basic sentences structure in English texts: nominal sentences and verbal sentences
6. Passive sentences in English texts
7. Complex sentences: adverbial clauses, adjective clauses, noun clauses, participle clauses
8. Reading skills
9. Introduction to scientific writing: paraphrasing
1. Straus, J., 2007. “The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation”, 10th ed., Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Imprint.
2. Perreire, G., 2011. “Essential Grammar”, 1st ed., UK: Dickens Publishing Ltd.
3. Foo, F., 2012. “Total Grammar”, 1st ed., UK: Dickens Publishing Ltd.
4. “Writing Style Guide and Dictionary of Plain English” by Duncan Kent & Associates Ltd. (English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training & Pedagogy, WMCUS – Reading & Writing Laboratory)