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CED457 - Field Work



Course length




CED457 - Field Work



About the course

Prerequisite courses


Course description and learning objectives

Student completing this course will be able to integrate engineering judgment, comprehensive analysis and synthesis analysis through working experience in industry or laboratory related with chemical engineering.

Topics include

This course offers opportunities for senior students to work as interns in manufacturing plants or chemical companies. The Department will find local chemical and petrochemical companies to provide internship for students to spend certain hours per week, or up to two months in summer break working for the company. Alternatively, students may also spend time studying some industries, such as bio-medical, environmental and fine chemicals, etc., and submit a term report for partial fulfillment of the course requirements. In the meantime, professor in charge of the course will arrange three field trips to typical manufacturing plants, so that students will have better understanding of chemical processes and professional life better. Students may choose either to work as intern in company outside of campus, or on the campus on term project after discussion with advisor.


Related books, articles and journals.

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