Desalination and Water Treatment 213 (2021) 214-228
Suryadi Ismadji
02 - February
Current progress in metal-organic frameworks-embedded membranes for water desalination
Rapid population and economic growth cause severe anthropogenic emissions, which lead to many water pollutions. As a result, the demand for potable water is increasing dramatically in the last decades. Various logical solutions and sustainable developments, such as converting seawater into freshwater, have been explored. Several methods have been employed in water desalination, such as pressure- driven membranes, capacitive deionization, and adsorption desalination. Still, the limitations of the present technologies are low water productivity and quality. Therefore, it is essential to perform further research to design materials and methods with higher salt rejection property and large flux capacity. Recent study and development have pointed out an advanced material called metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with fascinating chemical and physical properties. Researchers and engineers have been studying MOFs for their potential application in water desalination. This review is aimed to stimulate future research related to the utilization of MOFs for seawater desalination, particularly in the desalination membrane development. Recent advances from the MOF in water desalination are given, starting with outlining various studies of membrane-modified MOF, followed by the application of MOF in desalination technology. Finally, the explanation of the concept of increasing desalination performance by MOF to fill the knowledge gap.