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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 175 (2021) 526–534

Shella Permatasari Santoso

01 - January

Atmospheric cold plasma-assisted pineapple peel waste hydrolysate detoxification for the production of bacterial cellulose

Toxic compounds in pineapple peel waste hydrolysate (PPWH), namely formic acid, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), and furfural, are the major predicament in its utilization as a carbon source for bacterial cellulose (BC) fermentation. A rapid detoxification procedures using atmospheric cold plasma (ACP) technique were employed to reduce the toxic compounds. ACP treatment allows the breakdown of toxic compounds without causing excessive breakdown of sugars. Herein, the performance of two available laboratory ACP reactors for PPWH detoxification was being demonstrated. ACP-reactor-1 (R1) runs on plasma power of 80–200Wwith argon (Ar) plasma source, while ACP-reactor-2 (R2) runs at 500–600Wwith air plasma source. Treatment in R1, at 200Wfor 15min, results in 74.06%, 51.38%, and 21.81% reduction of furfural, HMF, and formic acid. Treatment in R2 at 600Wgives 45.05%, 32.59%, and 60.41% reductions of furfural, HMF, and formic acid. The BC yield from the fermentation of Komagateibacter xylinus in the R1-treated PPWH, R2-treated PPWH, and untreated-PPWH is 2.82, 3.82, and 2.97 g/L, respectively. The results show that ACP treatment provides a novel detoxified strategy in achieving agricultural waste hydrolysate reuse in fermentation. Furthermore, the results also imply that untreated PPWH can be an inexpensive and sustainable resource for fermentation media

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