CED165 - English II
Course length
100 minutes / week
Siti Mina Tamah
About the course
Prerequisite courses
CED115 - English I
Course description and learning objectives
Student completing this course will be able to:
• Assosiate vocabularies acquisition, grammar recognition and use.
• Write scientific texts.
• Demonstrate communication skill and business correspondence.
Topics include
1. Reading comprehensive
2. Scientific writing
3. Communication skill & business correspondence
1. Norris, C. B., 2014. “Academic Writing in English”, Language Service, University of Helsinki.
2. Oshima, A. & Hogue, A., 2005. “Writing Academic English”, 4th ed., New York: Addison-Wesley.
3. Bailey, S., 2001. “Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students”, London and New York: Routledge.
4. Tukan, S. L., and Palupi, M. G. R., 2008. “Write with Us – Book 4: Discussion and Review”, English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training & Pedagogy, WMCUS.
5. Tamah, S. M., 2014. “A Course Book for Business Correspondence”, English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training & Pedagogy, WMCUS.