CED253 - Industrial Microbiology Lab
Course length
200 minutes / week
Shella Permatasari Santoso
About the course
Prerequisite courses
CED204 - Industrial Microbiology
Course description and learning objectives
Student completing this course will be able to:
• Apply aseptic technique in media preparation and microbe transferring.
• Isolate microbe and identification.
• Count microbe cell.
• Determine microbial growth kinetics and enzymatic kinetics.
• Demonstrate food and beverage fermentation.
Topics include
1. Preparation of suitable cultures
2. Aseptic transfer of cultures and sterile solutions
3. Isolation of microbes
4. Gram’s staining method and its observation under microscope
5. Cell- and germ-counting methods
6. Microbial growth kinetics: effect of temperature and substrate
7. Enzymatic kinetics
8. Food and beverage fermentation
1. Waites, M. J., Morgan, N. L., Rockey, J. S., Higton, G., 2001. “Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction”, UK: Blackwell Science.
2. Goldman, E. and Green, L. H., 2009. “Practical handbook of microbiology”, 2nd ed., CRC Press.