CED417 - Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
Course length
200 minutes / week
About the course
Prerequisite courses
Course description and learning objectives
Student completing this course will be able to:
• Demonstrate fluid properties measurements.
• Demonstrate filtration process.
• Demonstrate particle size reduction.
• Determine heat transfer coefficient measurement.
Topics include
1. Fluid property measurements
2. Filtration
3. Particle size reduction
4. Heat transfer coefficient measurement
1. Geankoplis C.J, 2003. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, 4th ed, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
2. Nevers, N., 2005. Fluid Mechanis for Chemicals Engineering, 3rd ed, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
3. Mc Cabe, W. L.., and Smith, J. C., 2005. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th ed, Tokyo: Mc Graw Hill.
4. Garcia, M. H., 2008. Sedimentation Engineeering, 1st ed, New York: American Society.
5. Holman, J. P., 2001. Heat Transfer, 9th ed, New York: Mc Graw Hill Book Company.
6. Perry, R.H., and Green, D. W., 2007. Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, 8th ed, India: McGraw Hill.
7. Coughanowr, D., dan LeBlanc, S., 2008. Process System Analysis and Control. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw Hill.