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LAN122 - Bahasa Indonesia



Course length

100 minutes / week



LAN122 - Bahasa Indonesia


TBA in every semester

About the course

Prerequisite courses


Course description and learning objectives

Student completing this course will be able to construct an effective sentence and develop a systematical, constructive and informative paragraph, in accordance with the basic writing rules of Bahasa Indonesia.

Topics include

1. Introduction (The function and standing of Bahasa Indonesia, basic Bahasa Indonesia, text-based learning)
2. Exploration of academic texts and the world of books (trace and analyze the models of academic text and book review, constructing an academic text and book review together and independently)


1. Tim Penyusun RISTEKDIKTI, 2016, Bahasa Indonesia untuk Perguruan Tinggi, 1st ed., Jakarta: Ristekdikti. ISBN: 978-602-70089-6-0.
2. Alwi, H., Dardjowodjojo, S., Lapoliwa, H., Moeliono, A. M., 1998, Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia, 3rd ed., Jakarta: Balai Pustaka

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