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REL100I - Religion



Course length

100 minutes / week



REL100I - Religion


TBA in every semester

About the course

Prerequisite courses


Course description and learning objectives

Student completing this course will be able to:
• Explain about the knowledge of God which starts from concrete human experiences.
• Explain about people acknowledge challenges and struggles in the process of knowing God.
• Assosiate inclusive attitudes, which is a concrete embodiment in working order accomplished life marked by tolerance, harmony, and dialogue.

Topics include

1. Getting to know the transcendent human: limitations of humans, religious experience, conscience, free will, and thought.
2. Religion as a tool of knowing God: essential elements of religion, the necessity of faith and piety in religious life, function of religion to the lives of the faithful, motivation and religion.
3. Challenges in the life of religion: freedom of religion, promiscuity, corruption, social injustice, poverty, suffering, the influence of superstition, superstitisms and science.
4. Religious man who embodies the faith: tolerance, harmony, dialogue.


1. Ismartono, SJ, I., 1993. “Kuliah Agama Katolik di Perguruan Tinggi Umum”, Jakarta: Obor.
2. Leahy, L., 1994. “Filsafat Ketuhanan Kontemporer”, Yogyakarta: Kanisius: BPK & Gunung Mulia.
3. Sugiarto, I.B., 1992. “Agama Menghadapi Jaman”, Jakarta: APTIK.
4. Tim Dosen MKU, 2008. “Diktat Kuliah Pendidikan Agama”, untuk kalangan sendiri (tidak diterbitkan).

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