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Program Komputer-CHE110





Tentang Matakuliah ini

Matakuliah Prasyarat

Kimia Dasar, Kimia Analisa

Matakuliah Kosyarat


Deskripsi Matakuliah

Mata kuliah ini mempelajari penyusunan algoritma dan teknik pemrograman dasar meliputi vector/matriks dan operasinya, pembuatan plot/grafik, fitting kurva dan statistika dasar dalam bahasa Matlab

Capaian Pembelajaran

Memahami algoritma dan teknik pemrograman dasar meliputi vektor atau matriks dan operasinya, pembuatan plot atau grafik, fitting kurva dan statistika dasar dan mendemonstrasikannya dalam bahasa pemrograman

Topik Bahasan

1. Matlab technical computing environment
2. Files and file management.
3. Trigonometry and complex numbers
4. Arrays and array operations
5. Mathematical functions and applications
6. Data analysis
7. Selection programming
8. Vectors, matrices and linear algebra
9. Curve fitting and interpolation
10. Integration and differentiation
11. Strings, time, base conversion and bitoperations
12. Symbolic processing
13. Application in Chemical Engineering Problems

Sumber Pustaka

1. Chapman, S. J., 2010, MATLAB Programming for Engineers, 2nd ed., Bookware Companion Series.
2. Cutlip, M. B., Shacham, M., 2008, Problem Solving in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering with POLYMATH, Excel, and MATLAB, 2nd ed., New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
3. Smith, D.M. 2009. Engineering Computation with MATLAB. Addison Wesley.
4. Attaway, S. 2009. Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving. Butterworth-Heinemann.
5. Musto, J., W. Howard, and R. Williams. 2008. Engineering Computation: An Introduction Using MATLAB and Excel. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.
6. Moore, H. 2008. MATLAB for Engineers. Prentice Hall.
7. Gilat, A. 2008. MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications. Wiley.
8. McMahon, D. 2007. MATLAB Demystified. 2007. McGraw-Hill Professional.
9. III, W.P. 2007. A Concise Introduction to Matlab. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.
10. Hahn, B. and D. Valentine. 2007. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists. Newnes.

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