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Prof. Felycia Edi Soetaredjo, Ph.D., IPU.


Congratulations to Prof. Felycia Edi Soetaredjo for receiving the Habibie Awards, a prestigious government award recognizing her excellent contributions in STEM. We are proud to see such remarkable achievements in the field and wish her all the best her future.


Chemical Engineering (Chem-E)

We’re preparing engineers today, for the world brighter future.

Learn to design, simulate and test materials and processes through a problem-based learning educational system to hone your problem-solving skills.

Discover the high-impact research environment, and strong industry partnership.

Discover our courses

Undergraduate courses

Regular program

4 year (144 credits) undergraduate study program in WMSCU.  Experience the opportunity for student exchange, field work, research collaboration, etc.

International bachelor program

2+2 year (144 credits) double degree program in WMSCU and Taiwan Tech or BUCT.  Get a DOUBLE DEGREE and opportunity to study abroad.

Postgraduate courses

Magister Teknik Kimia

Upgrade to Master of Engineering through 2-year study in our graduate program. Apply fast-track for accelerated degree.

Professional Program

(Profesi Insinyur)

Get your Engineer (Insinyur) title directly after graduate.

Why study Chem-E at WMSCU?

Our Values

We are caring, committed, enthusiastic (ID. Peduli, Komit, Antusias - PeKA) to preparing your brighter future.


Chem-E WMSCU is ranked first among universities in Indonesia in high-impact research, strong research collaborations with international universities, strong industry partnerships, to ensure you with high-quality teaching along with world-class research.

Learning System


Our problem-based learning system hones your problem solving and critical thinking skills.


Study alongside high-quality lecturers, recognized for world-class research, to foster your innovation and creativity.

We support the "Recognition of Past Learning (RPL)" and "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)"

Videos from @teknikkimiaukwms

Chem-E History

Chem-E History

The Chem-E Study Program was established at the beginning of the 1986-1987 academic year by Decree of the Widya Mandala Foundation Number: 028/I/DIV/1986 dated 19 April 1986. Based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education No. 2576/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/IV/2022, concerning Accreditation and Ranking of Study Programs in Undergraduate Programs, starting 26 April 2022, the Chemical Engineering Study Program accredited with the highest rating Excellent (ID. UNGGUL).​

With harmonious and strong cooperation with Taiwan Tech (NTUST, Taiwan) since 2014 and Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT, China) since 2019, a joint degree program was opened, with the approval of the Directorate General of Science, Technology and Higher Education --- Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education no. 932/C/KL/2017. With the development of cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering and domestic and foreign institutions, in 2020 the Joint Degree program will be expanded into an International Program or International Bachelor Program (IBP) and by implementing the Merdeka Campus curriculum, the Chemical Engineering Study Program provides opportunities for students to develop and obtain recognition from worldwide.

In addition, the Chemical Engineering Study Program also has close and strong partnerships with major-domestic industries, such as PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP, APRIL) and PT. UBS. The cooperation support internships (practical work) based Merdeka Campus Curriculum, guest lectures from industry practitioners, recognition of past learning, and recruitment programs.

Hear from our graduates


Sales Executive

PT. Dunia Kimia Jaya (Lautan Luas Group)

Andrean Natajaya (Alumni 2023)

Bagi saya, berkuliah di Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya adalah salah satu pilihan terbaik yang pernah saya buat dalam hidup saya. UKWMS memberikan banyak ruang bagi mahasiswanya untuk berkembang baik secara akademik maupun non-akademik dan memfasilitasinya dengan baik. Semuanya ada disini baik penelitian, organisasi, pertukaran pelajar nasional dan internasional, entrepreneurship program, dan masih banyak lagi. 

Apabila saya refleksikan, banyak hal yang telah saya dapat dari UKWMS dan sangat berdampak dalam perkembangan saya sejak 5 tahun yang lalu hingga hari ini. Hanya terima kasih dan rasa syukur yang dapat saya sampaikan untuk UKWMS. 

New in Chem-E

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Call for Paper
Widya Teknik, May 2024, Volume 23 No. 1
Publish your research with Widya Teknik

Kontribusi Fakultas Teknik kepada komunitas di Desa Morang melalui Engineers in Action 2024

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