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CED257 - Engineering Mathematics II



Course length

200 minutes / week



CED257 - Engineering Mathematics II


Suryadi Ismadji

About the course

Prerequisite courses

CED215 - Engineering Mathematics I, CED216 - Computer Programming

Course description and learning objectives

Student completing this course will be able to solve basic engineering mathematic problem using ordinary differential equations, gamma, beta and error function, fourier analysis, integral and transforms as well as partial differential equations.

Topics include

1. Series solution for ordinary differential equations
2. Gamma, beta and error function
3. Fourier analysis, integral and transforms
4. Partial differential equations


1. Kreyszig, E., 2011, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 10th ed., John Wiley & Sons (International student edition).
2. Stroud, K.A., 2007, “Engineering Mathematics”, 6th ed., Palgrave Macmillan.

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